Saturday, November 26, 2011


Early in its history, the company was recognised by Microsoft as being one of the early adopters of e-commerce, and has since remained at the forefront of information technologies. Today, QNet continues to prove itself a pioneer in online network marketing and direct selling. 

Applying IT to the IR 
Advanced Information Technology infrastructure and systems are integral to support, enable and enhance the QNet business. This is done by providing a core stable of IT services and a solid IT infrastructure, and by delivering effective application solutions and cutting-edge technologies designed to assist, improve and grow an IR’s business.
The QNet public website averages thousands of daily unique visitors and millions of daily page views. The website ( is available in multiple languages and acts as the portal to the business centre for IRs, known as the Virtual Office, which in itself is a highly evolved online office where IRs monitor and control their business.

QNet also offers a mobile-friendly site, mobile applications, and customisable personalised websites for IRs, all of which further strengthen the company’s tangible philosophy to be able to do business anywhere, with support available everywhere.

Security & Performance 

The stability and protection of the QNet database is one of our foremost priorities, as is the security of all QNet e-commerce transactions and Virtual Office functions.

Our online and data security is multi-layered, with every transaction encrypted using VeriSign's SSL and EVSSL (Extended Valuation Secure Sockets Layer) protocols. As another layer of individual protection, identity verification processes are employed to prevent phishing, online fraud, and identity theft. All our security procedures are audited quarterly by CyberTrust and we continuously employ up-to-date, fit-for-purpose and high-end solutions to deliver levels of IT services befitting of a world-class e-commerce company and leader in this field.

By employing Content Distribution Networks (CDN), we are able to bring our website and eStore closer to our customers and IRs around the world, thus providing an overall improved user experience. By utilising web application and performance management services from leading media and content delivery providers such as Akamai, and telecommunications heavyweight companies such as Verizon, QNet optimises its network, server and storage environments, allowing agility and effective automation, while also ensuring performance and security.

Our website equips IRs, prospects, and the general public with information about QNet, our products and the business opportunity. It chronicles the history of the company while also featuring an exciting newsroom of media coverage and company news and press releases. The site also includes real-life stories of IR business success, product testimonials, and the complete range of QNet products. The website can be utilised as a complete online product portfolio, with benefits, applications, key features, multilingual multimedia downloads, and a whole lot more about each and every QNet brand. It is an ideal prospecting tool.

The website is currently available in 10 languages – English, Arabic, Azeri, Bahasa Indonesia, French, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese  – with presentations, downloads, catalogues and company and product movies available for free download. The QNet website is also the access point for the indispensible Virtual Office for IRs and the Retail eStore for customers, while also being the one-click place for access to the simplified online QNet IR membership process.

Virtual Office & eStore 
An IR organises, controls and monitors their business through the QNet Virtual Office; a continually evolving online office within a secure and stable environment for business transactions, network interaction, business and product trainings, and communication with the company. The QNet eStore is located within the Virtual Office, while the QNet Retail eStore is found through the company’s public website; both feature progressive e-commerce functionalities and intelligent usability, as well as all-you-need-to-know product information pages and multimedia downloads, including multilingual brochures, videos, training presentations, product evaluations, testimonials and more.

IRs can view their genealogy and commission reports, keep track of their transactions, receive important updates and announcements about the business and its products, shop in their own eStore, download valuable Training Tools, and purchase essential Business Tools, all in the one user-friendly, online place. The QNet Virtual Office and eStore are both powered by one of the most secure e-commerce platforms in the industry.


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About QNet

QNet is a dynamic wellness and lifestyle company established in 1998 to enrich the lives of its customers worldwide.

Through innovative and exclusive products that engender high brand loyalty and satisfaction, combined with local, on-ground support and services, QNet has established itself as a global direct selling company with a proud Asian heritage. By offering a proven business opportunity to promote the company’s products, QNet also represents a promising and rewarding profession for entrepreneurs to work for themselves, earning additional or sole income.

QNet is driven by the mission of ‘Raise Yourself To Help Mankind’ (RYTHM). This philosophy is embodied in many widespread educational, environmental, cultural, and disaster relief philanthropic initiatives, which are enabled by our Corporate Social Responsibility arm, the RYTHM Foundation.

QNet has spent more than a decade developing a strong global reach, with millions of satisfied retail customers and independent distributors around the world. The company is the main subsidiary of international conglomerate, the QI Group. The Group has varied business interests, including direct selling and e-commerce, lifestyle and leisure, investments and property management, training and conference management, telecommunications, and luxury and collectibles.

QNet - Qi Group of Companies

QNet - Qi Group of Companies

About Me

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New Delhi, Delhi, India
Hello there, am Vineeta. I am an Entrepreneur as well a Network-er and I recently joined in network marketing and direct selling. My blog, about QNET, is dedicated to delving deeper into the products and services my parent company offers and specifically to show you how these can help you further your goals, be it in your life or financially.

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About Business

Direct selling is a growing and and exciting industry that provides companies an alternative channel of the distribution and sale of products and/or services directly to customers, away from a traditional retail location. The industry allows businesses to connect with customers one-on-one – be it in person, online, by phone or through catalogue sales. This ‘connection’ to customers is achieved through independent distributors. At QNet, they are referred to as Independent Representatives (IRs)

RYTHM Foundation - CSR of QI Group Of Companies

RYTHM Foundation - CSR of QI Group Of Companies