Saturday, November 26, 2011

Corporate Commitment

QNet is guided by a Vision, Mission and Core Values, shared by each and every member of the company. Underlying its operations is a commitment to professionalism and a dedication to service. 

“Our Vision is to be a global leader and influencer within the direct selling industry, with a commitment to adhering to the highest standards in professional business practices at a corporate level and within our worldwide network of distributors.”

‘Raise Yourself To Help Mankind’ (RYTHM)
“Our Mission is to help individuals reach their potential and achieve their goals by offering entrepreneurial opportunities and the highest quality products, all while contributing to the global community through RYTHM.”

Core Values
Our Core Values are summarised by the acronym of S.T.I.R.

“We dedicate ourselves to the service of others through all our daily business operations.”

“We work together as a unified team with a common goal in order to achieve the best outcome to the benefit of everyone. We are many and varied, but we work together as one.”

“We conduct ourselves and all our business dealings with the utmost of integrity, and we treat others with total honesty and genuine respect.”

“Whether it is in our business actions or within our philanthropic activities, we are dedicated to achieving the highest results for our major stakeholders – the company, our Independent Representatives (IRs), customers, shareholders, employees, and the wider community.”


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About QNet

QNet is a dynamic wellness and lifestyle company established in 1998 to enrich the lives of its customers worldwide.

Through innovative and exclusive products that engender high brand loyalty and satisfaction, combined with local, on-ground support and services, QNet has established itself as a global direct selling company with a proud Asian heritage. By offering a proven business opportunity to promote the company’s products, QNet also represents a promising and rewarding profession for entrepreneurs to work for themselves, earning additional or sole income.

QNet is driven by the mission of ‘Raise Yourself To Help Mankind’ (RYTHM). This philosophy is embodied in many widespread educational, environmental, cultural, and disaster relief philanthropic initiatives, which are enabled by our Corporate Social Responsibility arm, the RYTHM Foundation.

QNet has spent more than a decade developing a strong global reach, with millions of satisfied retail customers and independent distributors around the world. The company is the main subsidiary of international conglomerate, the QI Group. The Group has varied business interests, including direct selling and e-commerce, lifestyle and leisure, investments and property management, training and conference management, telecommunications, and luxury and collectibles.

QNet - Qi Group of Companies

QNet - Qi Group of Companies

About Me

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New Delhi, Delhi, India
Hello there, am Vineeta. I am an Entrepreneur as well a Network-er and I recently joined in network marketing and direct selling. My blog, about QNET, is dedicated to delving deeper into the products and services my parent company offers and specifically to show you how these can help you further your goals, be it in your life or financially.

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About Business

Direct selling is a growing and and exciting industry that provides companies an alternative channel of the distribution and sale of products and/or services directly to customers, away from a traditional retail location. The industry allows businesses to connect with customers one-on-one – be it in person, online, by phone or through catalogue sales. This ‘connection’ to customers is achieved through independent distributors. At QNet, they are referred to as Independent Representatives (IRs)

RYTHM Foundation - CSR of QI Group Of Companies

RYTHM Foundation - CSR of QI Group Of Companies