Monday, November 21, 2011


Business Opportunity

It is said that anyone who has a dream – be it financial, personal, or otherwise – and who is willing to invest time and effort in achieving that dream, are the most successful people in the world.

QNet has a long history of providing a ‘home’ for these 
goal-setting entrepreneurs from all walks of life, of all ages and genders, and from all income and education levels. QNet provides the framework within which anyone – given time and effort – can achieve their dreams and be successful.

QNet offers a business opportunity to promote and distribute innovative, exclusive and quality lifestyle products, backed by a seamless compensation plan and a secure, repeatable and proven way to achieve business success. The QNet opportunity is available to anyone willing and able to work hard and smart in a dynamic and growing industry.

The company’s success is dependent on the degree to which Independent Representatives (IRs) successfully utilise and follow the tools and training provided to recruit, train and motivate a sustainable sales organisation while generating a wider retail customer base. In turn, an IR’s success is dependent on the degree to which they apply themselves to correct business practices and how well they apply the concept of positive duplication to build longevity in their network.

QNet offers a carefully developed range of exclusive and reliable products that are retailed online around the world using a unique business plan, which pays compensation and incentives to IRs for the referral and promotion of the company’s products.

QNet IRs have enjoyed the most advanced business support for more than a decade – simplified online membership process as an IR, a Virtual Office containing powerful features to manage and regulate their business, an advanced compensation plan, secure payment options, and business tools and training materials to develop their skills – all fully integrated in an advanced e-commerce platform.

As of today, QNet products have been sold to more than three million people in every country around the globe. As a truly international company, QNet has cut through geographical borders as well as race, culture, religion and language barriers to create a global family of successful entrepreneurs.

As with any opportunity, success is gauged by what a person does with the opportunity. The QNet business is not for those looking for an easy way out and it is not a 
‘get-rich-quick scheme’. Like those who have already achieved success with QNet, IRs must work hard, think smart, stay committed, be prepared for initial challenges, and be dedicated to closely following the established and proven business plan. QNet equips its IRs with all the tools and support services needed to succeed in the business.

Direct Selling Profession

Direct selling is a growing and exciting industry that provides companies an alternative channel of the distribution and sale of products and/or services directly to customers, away from a traditional retail location. The industry allows businesses to connect with customers one-on-one – be it in person, online, by phone or through catalogue sales. This ‘connection’ to customers is achieved through independent distributors. At QNet, they are referred to as Independent Representatives (IRs).

In emerging markets, direct sales companies and distributors benefit from both strong market growth and an attractive earning opportunity, while the region itself benefits from skill development and increased self-sufficiency of its people. In more mature markets, direct selling creates a truly unique distribution method that fosters community interaction while bringing additional income, personal growth, and peer recognition to distributors.

How Does it Work ?

In direct selling, a distributor earns a commission by referring a company’s products to customers. They also earn commission when other distributors in his or her network successfully refer products to other people.

Products are sold to retail customers, who purchase products without opting to explore the business-side of direct selling, as well as to potential distributors, who purchase products as well as avail themselves of the business opportunity.

What really sets direct sales companies apart from more traditional retail businesses is the ability for a person to start their own business, without major investment in inventory, expensive office space or shop fronts, challenging start-up costs, or prior education in developing business plans. Further, the marketing, packaging and advertising of the products, as well as the business training to the distributor, are all provided for by the company. A distributor of a direct sales company is able to focus solely on promoting the company’s products.


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About QNet

QNet is a dynamic wellness and lifestyle company established in 1998 to enrich the lives of its customers worldwide.

Through innovative and exclusive products that engender high brand loyalty and satisfaction, combined with local, on-ground support and services, QNet has established itself as a global direct selling company with a proud Asian heritage. By offering a proven business opportunity to promote the company’s products, QNet also represents a promising and rewarding profession for entrepreneurs to work for themselves, earning additional or sole income.

QNet is driven by the mission of ‘Raise Yourself To Help Mankind’ (RYTHM). This philosophy is embodied in many widespread educational, environmental, cultural, and disaster relief philanthropic initiatives, which are enabled by our Corporate Social Responsibility arm, the RYTHM Foundation.

QNet has spent more than a decade developing a strong global reach, with millions of satisfied retail customers and independent distributors around the world. The company is the main subsidiary of international conglomerate, the QI Group. The Group has varied business interests, including direct selling and e-commerce, lifestyle and leisure, investments and property management, training and conference management, telecommunications, and luxury and collectibles.

QNet - Qi Group of Companies

QNet - Qi Group of Companies

About Me

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New Delhi, Delhi, India
Hello there, am Vineeta. I am an Entrepreneur as well a Network-er and I recently joined in network marketing and direct selling. My blog, about QNET, is dedicated to delving deeper into the products and services my parent company offers and specifically to show you how these can help you further your goals, be it in your life or financially.

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About Business

Direct selling is a growing and and exciting industry that provides companies an alternative channel of the distribution and sale of products and/or services directly to customers, away from a traditional retail location. The industry allows businesses to connect with customers one-on-one – be it in person, online, by phone or through catalogue sales. This ‘connection’ to customers is achieved through independent distributors. At QNet, they are referred to as Independent Representatives (IRs)

RYTHM Foundation - CSR of QI Group Of Companies

RYTHM Foundation - CSR of QI Group Of Companies